PHONE NUMBER: 5164536886

(516) 453-6886 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF NEW YORK located near Hempstead, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,081 searches and 34 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: spam (4 times), scam (4 times), microsoft (2 times), fraud (1 time), medical (1 time), credit card (1 time), internet (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Medicare phiphing . dangerous

Called before 9:30 am. Did not answer. Suspected spam, changed cell carriers last week and wondered if that was connected.

They have called me four times in the last two days so sick of it!

Heavy Indian accent. Spam. Hung up.

I received a call from this number from a female with a heavy Indian accent, who identified herself as Haley. She said she was calling from Medicare to update my medical profile. She said she wanted to verify that I had chronic lower back pain. I told her that I've never received a call from Medicare from anyone asking me to update my medical profile. I asked her for her name and she repeated her name was Haley. I then asked her for her "call back" number so I could verify that she worked for Medicare. At this point, she hung up on me. The fact that she identified herself as an employee of Medicare is outright fraud. This matter should be pursued by Medicare and Federal Law Enforcement. I don't understand why the FTC allows phone numbers with multiple fraud complaints to remain in service. The phone companies should also be monitoring these complaints and shutting down the phone numbers themselves.

Received unsolicited call. Criminals looking for gullible victims. Old scam to get personal information and Credit Card info.

Harassing I got 4 calls from this number in less than an hour. The only way I got THIS far, since I (fortunately) missed the call and They left no message was search the internet for the phone number.

Calling trying to get me to order ****s at a online pharmacy web site. DANGEROUS number

Person that called me had a thick Indian accent. He informed me that he received reports that my computer was infected with a computer virus. I told him that I liked my computer virus and that he should leave it alone. He hung up.

called left no msg. irritating

Continues calls from 516-453-6886 when I answered and told them to stop calling me they started laughing. REPORTED!

caller ID said name was JGV. Caller who had a heavy foreign accent claimed to be from Windows and said I had a problem with my computer. Wanted me to go to my computer and log on to a website, which I did not do. I hung up instead. SCAMMERS

I do not answer because I don`t recognize the number.

Someone from this number keeps calling and breathes into the phone, no conversation. spammers, creepy

I got 3 calls from this number, blocked the number!!

Called said that something was wrong with my computer. Claimed to be from Microsoft and wanted me to turn on my computer so that he could fix a problem. total scam

Keeps calling and hanging up. REPORTED, SPAM

claiming to be from the IT department and wanting access to your computer to ostensibly fix a security threat. Hang up and do NOT give them access to your computer!

Got the call from a man with a very heavy Indian accent, saying someone was hacking my computer and they where from Microsoft. It is a scam, I don`t have any Microsoft devices. DANGER!!!

called me , did not talk so i hung up. annoying


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