PHONE NUMBER: 5164536886

(516) 453-6886 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF NEW YORK located near Hempstead, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,079 searches and 34 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), microsoft (2 times), spam (1 time), tech support (1 time), support (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Offering long distance plans to the Philippines. probably a scam

They keep calling my phone non-stop. frustrating

Called claiming to be from Microsoft to repair my computer. Tried to get me to purchase service on-line. I don`t even have a computers. Scammers

Calling me 3-4 times a day not leaving a message. this is HARASSMENT

Called my phone left no message.

Called 3 times in a row. I answered on the third call and a male with a REALLY thick Indian accent started rambling on about what, I have no clue because I couldn't understand. Blocked!!

Didn't recognize the number so I did not answer. irritating!!

called 2x they never say anything when I answer. SPAM CALL

called this morning and left no message. very weird

No one responded when I answered. After about 30 seconds, the call dropped.

Asian woman barely speaks english says she is from windows and I called her a scammer and hung up

Scammer! fake Microsoft Tech Support!

Keep getting sales calls. After telling each rep that called that I want to be taken of the list, if finally called the number back and got the same recording as the previous comment. I selected do not call in the future. We'll see....

called back its some kind of sales thing. Selected do not call in future.


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