PHONE NUMBER: 5095701900

(509) 570-1900 is a landline number operated by MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES located near Spokane, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,551 searches and 40 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (8 times), IRS (8 times), robocall (1 time), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Some threatening me message. No answer to phone. Good thing since its a scam. I hope soneone finds you soon and puts u in jail.

Egyptians claiming to be IRS agents. Call THEM back and harrass them!

509-570-1900 Bad quality recording stating that it is final attempt to reach me before I will have to appear before federal magistrate for a federal crime. Also receive calls from Egypt, stating they are stupid caller ID comes up with Egypt. I just torment them.

Called my with threats too several times.

Fake IRS scam!! This is not the way the IRS would contact you if there actually was any issues!!!

Irs scam, our police dept already ad ised of this scam

Fake IRS scam, called back a few times, so I called them. 7 times. I made them quite unhappy, and then they stopped answering MY calls lol.

A message was left stating this was the last attempt to contact me before federal criminal actions are taken. I know these calls are false. When I tried to call them back 3 times, a woman with a thick accent answered and then hung up

Supposedly the IRS same as everyone else. A threatening message left on my cell phone stating he is a federal agent and they are going to the grand jury. No name, did not direct the call to any person and I believe it is s recording not a live person. Have had calls on my home phone today as well from a different number 347-9068651. I called the police and they told me it was a scam. To call my phone provider and they would tell me how to block the calls. Although I have caller ID the only thing that showed up on my screen was NY. We live in a world that feels so unsafe and now we have to deal with this sort of thing!

low quality recording about a court/grand jury something or other.

Robocall left message on voicemail. Nonspecific threats invoking federal marshall, grand jury, police, etc. Obvious computer-generated voice does not say who the call is for, what crime is alleged, nor who exactly is calling. Perpetrators want to scare you into giving them money.

509 570 1900 ROBOT call about some kind of grand jury about somekind of criminal activity and last attempt to contact whoever. No names given on who they are trying to reach or why. Just a scare tactic. I mean if the government can't find you but they got your phone number?? No registered letters to the home? Last attempt??really!! unbelievable.

IRS threat

I received the same scam, that I was being audited and was fraudulent against the IRS. Low life scum

Fake IRS threats. I tried to call them back so i can try to turn the tables on them and give them a dose of their own medicine. No answer. Get a life & a real job peeps.

stated that if I don't agree to pay over $9000 they will be sending a policeman to my home to arrest me.

Threatening prosecution by a magistrate ? I think they are more commonly known as judges in the US.

IRS impersonators. They hung up when I asked them for their government employee identification number. Remember to report IRS scams to the correct authorities.

Threatening legal action against me. This is a scam, even the recording sounds low quality.

threatening arrest


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