PHONE NUMBER: 5095701900

(509) 570-1900 is a landline number operated by MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES located near Spokane, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,550 searches and 40 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (11 times), scam (7 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

509-570-1900 Multiple calls claiming to be the IRS. The IRS knows where I live and would send documents if this were really the IRS. Seems to be a scam.

I got the same! Claiming to be the IRS but this is FAKE! Scammers

SCAM! threatening federal action by IRS... yeah sure! They are scammers!!!

This is SCAM! do not believe them! blocked now

Fake IRS call - do not give them any detils! Very annoying

Claiming to be IRS say they are in DC although the number is a Spokane, WA Area code, SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here, total scam, threatening to arrest me if I don't call back. Whatever, I do my taxes every year, and don't owe them anything. So kiss mine who ever set this up.

Scum claiming to be irs

Threatening prosecution if I do not return the call

Threatening US Treasury action, my last chance.

Fake IRS people scamming for info. IRS doesn't call and leave messages like this. Obvious scam.

Claiming to be the IRS. Threatening to arrest me if I did not pay. Knew a previous address of mine. Sounded very sketchy.

Same IRS threat.

Threatening , IRS

US Treasury threatening action. It is my last chance.

Same here

Ditto regards IRS threatening federal action!

I had the same experience today!

Left msg threatening federal action by IRS. Area code is Spokane, WA.

Stated they were the IRS.


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