PHONE NUMBER: 4109109643

(410) 910-9643 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS located near Baltimore, Maryland.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,700 searches and 36 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (8 times), robocall (1 time), SSN (1 time), ssa (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


The lady I spoke with told me that my mother loves big black ****. The government goes after vaping but not these pos that call all of us day after day.

The message was broken up, however, she indicated my Social has been found suspicious for some illegal activity. It is very time sensitive and urgent that I get in touch with her. before they begin suspension with my Social.

The same message as everyone else

Did not call back recognized it was a scam because it was a robocaller stating that my SS was involved and it illegal activity and may be suspended. Immediately knew I would not be contacted buy something this serious via robocaller.

Same Robo call as others!

Garbled recording advising that due to illegal acitivity my "social" would be suspended. That the nature of the call was time sensitive I needed to call this number immediately.

Same Robo call as all the others!

Same garbled Robo call

Just received same garbled message as others have posted regarding illegal activities on my social. Someone needs to find these people and lock them up!

Don't call back. Block the number.

Same as everyone else. Going to give # to real social security department. Maybe they'll investigate.

Claiming my social was connected to some illegal activity in Texas and my social security number was going to be suspended.

(410) 910-9643 Robot Call saying my social security has illegal activity and would be suspended unless I call back to give them information. This number is DANGEROUS!!! Social Security only informs you by mail to your home address with your name and last four digits on an official form/letterhead.

Same as everyone else's. I didn't call back but looked up the number and found everyone else with the same experience. SCAM!

Scam!!! Do not answer! Left garbled message that my social (didn't even add 'security number') was about to be suspended due to suspicious activity and I needed to call them back before my assets were in jeopardy. These people really need to be stopped. It seems like they prey on the ONE possible elderly person that night actually fall for this.

Scam call stating my social security number and assets were being suspended. This is a scam. The Social Security Administration does not call people. It only sends official correspondence through the U.S. Mail.


Received a robo- call stating my social was being suspended. Piece of crap folks. Get out and make an honest living instead of spending your time trying to scam others who do work!

Got a call today i know it's a scam because, the SSA would never call anyone regarding they're SSN.


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