PHONE NUMBER: 4109109643

(410) 910-9643 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS located near Baltimore, Maryland.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,701 searches and 36 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I got a call from 410-910-9643 indicating my social security number was going to suspended due to illegal activities and I needed to call them back so they could help clear up the situation. They must really think we are dummies to call back a number being generated by robot and give our information. People doing this should be arrested and the key to their cell thrown away. I wonder how many elder people have fallen for this scam. This is so wrong at so many levels. Jail time is what this individuals deserve. What is this world coming too. If you need funds do what the rest of us have to do to get the funding "WORK".

A moron called with the hope that an equally stupid person would answer their call and fall for their insane attempt to separate hard working people from their money.

4109109643. Left garbled voice message basically saying it was time sensitive that I called immediately otherwise they would suspend my social security. They must come from where the sun does not shine.

Robo Call claiming to represent my social.

I am joining the troops here! I didnt answer. Looked up the number and it appears this phone number has been busy! Scam scam scam. 410-910-9643. This message is just as bad as the threatening email I received stating they got the goods on me! They are holding my email hostage until I put money in their bitcoin account. Just doesnt end with these evil people. Be alert people.

call indicating social security funds would be suspend, this is a scam call.

Same I received a call Nov 6 ay 84am ssying they were going to suspend my social dye to illegal activity. They left call back number and they had audacity to say they are the Social Security Adminstration Ot was a mega call center backround. She hung up on me twice when i demanded she prove she was with Social Security

Robot call saying my social will be suspended.

Said my social was involved in security issues. Called back just to see and she did answer the phone as the social security administration. Haha

left a voice mail message to tell me that my ss# will be suspended - sounded like rosie the robot

Recording said: Order to suspend your social on immediate basis because your social has been found suspicious for some illegal activities. It's very time sensitive and urgent that I do hear back from you before we proceed further with suspension of your social and assets. My direct call back number is 410-910-9643 again the number is 410-910-9643. Thank you.


These people need to get a life.....telling me my social is being suspended. this is hilarious!

recording saying my social has been connected with illegal acitivity just call back with your social number and give it to me lol scammers are sometimes so stupid

Social Security question

Recording said my social security number had been connected with illegal activity and I needed to call back "before we suspend your social".


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