PHONE NUMBER: 2892005924

(289) 200-5924 is a landline number operated by Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Wireless) located near Hamilton, Canada.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 4,441 searches and 60 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (9 times), spam (4 times), CRA (3 times), debt (2 times), bank (1 time), fraud (1 time), canada revenue agency (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I did my tax return correctly every year for the last 6 years since Istarted working. I don't owe anything, yet got a call from this line. Pretty sure it's sacm.

Left a threatening message that I had to appear in court and it was my final warning


this is a completely legit CRA rep. pay up or get f***

f***ing looser scammers. Give them a piece of your mind and they try give it back. But you cannot understand the idiots. had them going for a few mins then they hung up .. someone in ontario should find these guys and smack them around for this bulls***. Just my 2 cents anyways

complete scam, Do not send any money or give out personal information.

This is a scam. I do not owe anything to CRA at this time, and I have received no previous correspondence from them indicating that I've done anything wrong.



Definitely a scam

I think it's a scam. The person acted like a CRA representative, warning that there is an arrest warning working with RCMP. Do not give your name and personal information. I think they are trying to get you to even give bank information to pay the debt.


a telephone scam call I did not pay the slightest attention to the clearly fraudulent message

I sent the the $7000 using bit coin to settle my tax issues. Its Canada revenue agency, they are very serious about collecting debt on taxes.

Left a message second and final attempt to reach me for a federal offence. Called back and asked to talk to someone in french. No one available... scam




Left message threatening to take me to court; message asked me to call a federal agent at 289-200-5924. This was apparently the second and final attempt to reach out.

Left msg threatening to take me to court or call federal agent rite now it's my final warning.


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