PHONE NUMBER: 2892005924

(289) 200-5924 is a landline number operated by Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Wireless) located near Hamilton, Canada.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 4,440 searches and 60 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (18 times), CRA (4 times), fraud (1 time), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


Some losers are saying that I need to appear in court due to treasury problems. This was my final warning. Lol. Definitely a scam. Block.

CRA scammers. bottom feeder SCUM from India


A lady called, could not get me but left a voice mail. I would love to entertain scammers just to waist his/her time. A few months ago I entertained myself by talking about 30 minutes. They did not get me thiugh .... I have lots of time since I retire.

TOTAL SCAM. I REALLY wish these f**ks would get ligit jobs instead of trying to scam the money from the people who work hard for a living. I didn't answer. They left a message "Attention ignoring this will be an intentional 2nd attempt to avoid an initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offence. This is the final attempt to reach you. To resolve this issue immediately and to speak with a federal agent call 289-200-5924" FU - you are blocked

Scammers calling. Same experience as i blocked the number

REPORT THIS NUMBER TO ROGERS and the POLICE and CRA, do NOT call the number or they will add you to their database which they sell to other Muslim criminals who run these scams in canada. I will kill all these muslim scum, just wait and see.

Scam it is ... messsage sounds very serious until you listen to it twice lol threatening with last warning (two times a day), they do not say its CRA, Police, Court Services, only mentioning Canadian Tresury ?! What the hell is canadian treasury lol i am sure if after 16 years in Canada i never heard of them, i prefer to leave it that way :) good day all and best wishes, stay away from fraud and scam !!!

(289) 200-5924 Total scam. Threatening to take me to court

All the Muslims who run this fake cra scam are going to die, I found where there office is, this is what you get when you allow Islamics to invade your country and turn the other cheek instead of killing them all.

People saying I had to appear in court due to treasury problems. This was my final warning. Lol. I’m not even an adult. Defiantly a scam



Twice a 'robot' left "threatening" collection message. Now who, in their right mind, would return a call if you owed money? Since I don't owe any, this number has mow been blocked. Oh I'm sure they'll switch to another number, but it'll also be blocked!!!

Tax Scam Canadian Treasury lol

Scammers. The gov't would MAIL any notices.

Total Scam - Automated service 'from the Magistrate' judge/grand jury stating I needed to contact them about a criminal offence and that this was my last warning. I've never been in trouble with the law at any point in my entire life

What a dumb ass, paying tax from settling cryptocurrency, simple solution call CRA toll number that has mentioned on there website instead of calling these morans. BE SAFE FROM THESE SCAMMERS. Never tell them your name or any info.



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