PHONE NUMBER: 5977682091

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 4,569 searches and 34 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 12 Users marked it as Harassing, 1 User marked it as Dangerous, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (2 times), scam (2 times), att (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Calling every day with changed last digits. I was in quebec but moved to Ontario. They must have gotten my number before when I was in qc. Calling got increased to 7-8 times a day.


Calls and hangs up , area code is south America... Weird... I'm in qc

Calls for less than a second... I’m in qc

Called me less than a sec... I ll not call back and i ll just block it for the moment

1 ring and dropped. Not part of Desjardins fraud... am in QC but never been with Desjardins.

called 3 times. I'm in qc and suspect its part of the desjardins fraud

Je suis au Canada, il appelle chaque jour et ne font que me beeper. Le téléphone sonne pas un seul coup. Ensuite quand je rappel c'est une voix enregistrer qui me dit qu'ils ne peuvent prendre d'appel pour le moment.

Get some PAYBACK! CALL FLOOD THEM BACK! On PC/Mac Use google voice, skype, ect... or a redialer app from your phone. Then call flood all the numbers you can find that still work. Give the scamers some much overdue PAYBACK! FLOOD CALLING WORKS !. I have had them shut down many numbers as well kept them busy dealing with my flood calls i can hear my calls in the background. I just let them listen to an open mic of the computer making 1000's of calls over and over. they endup listening to themselves cussing. Its hilarious and wastes their time. IF the FTC,ATT, and other phone companies are not going to stop it. then FIGHT BACK PEOPLE! and that the Obama era Admin for opening up our cell numbers to this kind of trash.

On PC/Mac Use google voice, skype, ect... or a redialer app from your phone. Then call flood all the numbers you can find that still work. Give the scamers some much overdue PAYBACK! FLOOD CALLING WORKS !. I have had them shut down many numbers as well kept them busy dealing with my flood calls i can hear my calls in the background. I just let them listen to an open mic of the computer making 1000's of calls over and over. they endup listening to themselves cussing. Its hilarious and wastes their time. IF the FTC,ATT, and other phone companies are not going to stop it. then FIGHT BACK PEOPLE! and that the Obama era Admin for opening up our cell numbers to this kind of trash.


always calling me for a second. I'm in Canada

this number call me 4 times...then 2 durung the night!! no message was left..

Is call at 00:52, not message, number unknow for me


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