PHONE NUMBER: 5977682136

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,953 searches and 28 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 7 Users marked it as Harassing, 7 Users marked it as Dangerous, and 6 Users marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), one ring (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


Received a call from this number ans its obviously scam!Even late at night so disturbing!

called me 4 times yesterday night. I blocked the number. And then at 6h45 am, it called me under another number. Left a voicemail and there was no sound, nothing. It called again around 8:00 am. I blocked the number again, this is f***ing annoying

Called at 5:29 this morning. If they show up at my door I'll shoot them! Then cut off their heads and put them on my fence posts! f***ing Assholes!

Called at 9:23 p.m, it only rang once. Displayed as Suriname? Didn’t leave a voicemail either.

Missed call, no message

Called, left no message, likely a scam or telemarketer

Same, one ring then hang up. iPhone displays Suriname as the country of the call


Do not call it back. 3 times called in 12h frame just once and no voice mail.

Called for a second no msg

597 768 2135 9/16/2019 Called 1:28 AM, Did not leave a message

rang once, did not leave a message. apparently the number is from the state of NC

Ringed once at 5am. No voicemail. Pretty sure premium call charge scam from overseas.

Rings once and hangs up, at midnight!!!!!

Called around 11:30am and hung up right away no message

Called for one second, no voicemail

Called twice the last 24 hours, never leave voicemail

Obviously a scam

Called 3 times 11:55 PM, 12:59 AM, 10:09 AM & left no message.


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