PHONE NUMBER: 9490090301

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,775 searches and 25 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 15 Users marked it as Dangerous, 3 Users marked it as Unknown, and 2 Users marked it as Harassing

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: microsoft (12 times), scam (8 times), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same experience with number calling about something wrong with my computer. I did not answer the phone .

Called today microsoft "spoofed number" Talked for 3 minutes or so to the dumb [***]. He said he was from Irvine California and his name was "Toco" LoL told me my computer had a virus and he needed the IP address of the computer.

Individual claiming to be from Microsoft telling me there is a problem with my computer. I get these about 2-3 times a week from different numbers all claiming the same thing

Same as the others who said it was Microsoft scam. Automated voice left a voicemail.

This is one of the many scammers who says they're from Microsoft and they can see that your computer is having problems. I clicked "1" to speak with a representative. When one came on (from India, naturally), I told him he's a scamming criminal. He hung up.

Man with heavy Indian accent claims to be from Microsoft called to tell me that my Windows computer has a virus. Funnily enough, I don't have a computer with Windows. I have Linux so I know he was full of s***.

Same computer scam. Why can't this stuff be stopped. My call block is full. Do I have to find a machine that will block thousands of calls? I am on the "do not call" list. Perhaps someone is selling that list.

Just now, I got a call from that number. It was a computer generated voice, prob a program you can download, it said that "Your computer is generating errors, press 1 to speak with a certified Microsoft technician". This has got to stop!! FBI or the feds need to look into this, these scammers/hackers are trying to get your info and $. When I called that number back, its not in service!

Claimed I had a serious problem with my computer and that I should press "1" to speak to a Microsoft technician. I hung up.

Called my land line,harassing scam callers!

This guy told me he was going to come visit me later tonight when I told him he was a scammer because I have a Android not a computer!!!!

Received call from 949-009-0301.recording stated " this is a call from a certified Microsoft technician. There are serious errors on your computer. Press 1 to be connected to a technician". I know that Microsoft does not make calls so I hung up.

Got a call yesterday from this number. She sounded old and asked for my husband's uncles who passed away a few months ago.

Same call regarding computer problem & representing Microsoft.

DO NOT ANSWER. This is a SCAM. Microsoft does not hire people with accent from India to tell you that your computer is infected. I have no clue how come the Marines did not conduct a covert operation on them to eliminate them from this world yet.

Just got a call from this number at 1142 and answered it said the same thing as the other comments on here and is an automated message regarding "Your computer not working properly and to press 1 to speak to a Microsoft Engineer." I hung up the phone as my computer is working just fine. Do Not Answer This Number! Be Warned!

Receive a call from this number everyday, but I do not answer! No messages are left.

SCAM!!! Microsoft telling you there's a problem with your computer! total scam, don't give out any information ...

No message...Caller ID said "Name Not Found"? I've never seen that before?

Number 949-009-0301 listed as Name not found. Message was exactly 3 syllables but garbled.


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