PHONE NUMBER: 7411386073

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 1,784 searches and 18 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 13 Users marked it as Harassing, 4 Users marked it as Unknown, and 1 User marked it as Dangerous

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: spam (1 time), survey (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Very annoying, calling several times per day and Russian accents! Can't even block the number because it's not a full registered mobile number +7411386073. It has to begin with +44 then the number. You can report it to the ombudsman, the more we report these swine's, the sooner they can ban them all. When they call you could always answer it and say you've reported the number....... They soon hang up :-)

Had 4 calls today from this number, ignored it each time.

This number has spam called me over 50 times now, the last 45 of which while blocked. Starting to get really annoying to see it in the log.

I never answered it because I didn't recognise the number I just cut them off.


Russian number

Rang me twice today. Told them to f*** off. He told me they will not remove my number and keep calling, then hung up!

Phoned me twice today..only put a block on this morning Thank you Universal Credit for MAKING me go on dodgy jobsites to pretend to look for work (I am looking for work but not to their required volume) What a society we live... in Kill the sTories!

Indian sounding accents saying they want my opinion for a quick survey first time round. I said I wasn't interested and put down the phone, now I get on average 7 calls a day I have managed to successfully block their calls but now I get bombarded with messages DEMANDING that I call Them of all things. Avoid like the plague I say

Don't know who these people are but they keep calling me

5 calls today. Came trough truecaller even blocked. Picked up last time but no answer.

Annoying, all of a sudden started calling me today every hour nearly

3 calls today from this number. I picked up all 3 times without actually saying anything just to hear whether it was worth my time, no word from the other line, they just hung up.

3 calls today in succession from unknown Russian number. Seems I am not alone. Not worth answering. Blocked

This number has called me about 5 times today. I answered once and the line went dead after 6 seconds. It's coming up as a Russian number on my phone.

i got 4 calls yesterday too

call then hang up

two calls today, first one she tried to get information from me, company name was unintelligible, after three attempts at finding out what it was for, i hung up. Its got to be dodgy


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