PHONE NUMBER: 654347656

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,259 searches and 8 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 4 Users marked it as Dangerous, 3 Users marked it as Harassing, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), loan (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

A guy who has a strong accent called me several times, saying he was calling from "Federal Government, Grant. Department." This is totally a scam. He mentioned that I would lose the money if I don't give him my information right away. That's bulls'''t.

The first time they called was with a 12 igit number. They called the next day using 9. I could hardly understand the lady and when I told her I wasn't available and could I take a measege, she said she'd call later when I was available. I don't know how 12 and 9 digit calls would work, but this caller was definitely full of crap.

Someone named Amelia called from the "Federal Grant Dept" saying I qualified. I had doubts n called the number she gave me & the lady said if I had doubts that I shouldn't waist my time & hung up

Some guy called me from this number. They wouldnt tell me why or for what reason they were calling so I hung up and blocked the number.


F'n b*** calls me every damn day and never leaves a vm but when I picked up just this one time she hangs up? Like really you call me so many damn times and decides to hang up on me?! Annoying as hell.

i think this is a scammer don't answer

First, it's only a 9 digit number... how does that work?? Someone who barely spoke english said she was Amelia{?} from the Federal Grant Department. She asked how I was doing, and when I asked her to verify that I had heard her say she was calling from the Federal Grant Department she hung up. I have received calls from this number in the last couple days. It's not even a full 10 digit number. The only reason I answered is because I've been calling on apartments and didn't know if the number might be from one of them. I don't know what type of information she would have tried to gain from me. I don't have any student loans, so there is no reason for me to need a federal grant.


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