PHONE NUMBER: 6465890699

(646) 589-0699 is a landline number operated by VERIZON NEW YORK INC. located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,575 searches and 21 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

This is a SCAM. If you've received a call from this number (646-589-0699), BLOCK IT, and let others know to do the same. This is NOT AN ATTORNEY, and NOT A LEGITMATE BUSINESS OR GOVERNMENT ENTITY.

Said was David Gray from US Treasury and 2nd attempt to ignore. Going before Magistrate Grand Jury something or other.

David Gray. Something about the US Treasury and ignoring the second attempt could take me to the grand judge the great magistrate or some bulls***s like that

Same as above

David Gray, SSDD 2 x left a threatening message. Good for a laugh!


Just received a call from the same scammer. Told him I was detective Archie Bunker from the 107th precinct. He hung up.

SCAM: Message from an Indian-sounding man identifying himself as 'David Gray' - same story as the scam, especially as my father actually IS a Federal judge...any official communication with any branch of the government would come in letter form, not from a scam....

Got the same phone call. Told him my relative worked for the IRS and that he was scamming people and advised him I was recording the call. He hung up. Definitely and Indian accent with an echo sound in the backgroud.

same here .... its all B.S. if it were true you would get a letter not a phone call.

Same as the others...caller sounds Indian

Same message

Somebody named David Grey left a message like the one described above. Very suspicious. It is definitely a HOAX.

Left a message mentioning something about a federal crime and failing to appear before a judge would have serious consequences... but the sound quality was very poor, and no mention of specific information (or who they were calling for) was given. Ignored.

Grey, same as above comments, called today, 11:45 AM, in MI

David Gray purporting to be something to do with the treasury.

David Gray

Same as others. Pretend Department of Treasuary. Judge. magistrate. Grand Jury. Second attempt....

Got a call from a David Gray from the US Treasury as well. No details. Just threatening.

They told me there was a warrant for my arrest for owing money on 2013 taxes. Asked for my current address. Scary.


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