PHONE NUMBER: 6084124895

(608) 412-4895 is a landline number operated by UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP. - WISCONSIN located near Madison, Wisconsin.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,756 searches and 21 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: insurance (3 times), scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

No message left.

This phone number calls my call phone once every two weeks. I ignore as I do not know the number. Very annoying to keep being constantly called.

same thing happened. woman named Sarah Parker trying to ask me questions about auto insurance. told her mom pays it and i don't own a vehicle and she said I didn't qualify and will take me off the list.

608-412-4895. Calls constantly and every time I try to call back it ends the call and my reception drops. Only number to ever do that to my phone.

This is a scam

Called my cell and said it was Sarah Parker to talk about my auto insurance payment. I hung up, I don't give this number out.

called no msg left

608-412-4895 at 4:24 p.m. call to cell phone. Did not answer-no message left

missed a call from this number on my tracfone. I will not answer if I do not know the number. costs too much. I am thinking it is a scam so they know if the number is in use???

This number called my cell about 11:30 am. Looking unfamiliar so I ignored and had no message left.

called twice now. left no message. when I tried calling back it said my account was not authorized to call this number.

called me at work on my ext, trying to sell insurance

This person has called me 4 times in the last 2 days. Wtf.

Called my cell. I did not answer since I didn't recognize the number. Caller left no message.

Has called twice now with no message

got the call today hung up before i could answer and when i called it back a recording that my call could not be completed

Same thing happened to me.

i got a call from this number too and my acct is not authorized to call back so i tried from my employers phone # and said the call couldn't be completed at this time and to try again.

called and did not answer, no message was left either

608-412-4895 called my cell phone ... I didn't message was left.


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