PHONE NUMBER: 4252234885

(425) 223-4885 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Bellevue, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,030 searches and 24 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (3 times), automated message (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Saying IRS. Scam.


Same message - 4 allegations, local cops, etc... Terribly sad they are preying on innocent people by instilling fear in them. Dealing with financial stuff is challenging enough without having to field BS calls like this. Sending light to the wounded souls playing these games.

Automated Message - Caller stated to call back to discuss case before taking legal action you" Called back asking who is this call from - Stated IRS and disconnected the call

Automated voicemail, the first part of which was cutoff, stating that something expires within 24 hours and that I will be taken into custody by the cops for 4 serious allegations charged against me.

Got a call from this number, saying tax charges against me and that I had 24 hours to get back to them or local police heading to arrest me...

They say cops are on the way to arrest me.

Someone needs to arest this Moran. Sam's person called me couple weeks ago. Can tell same voice, same accent.

Same thing.

got one today. The "local cops" are coming for me unless I call the # ! what a joke!

Just got one...

Same harassing message. Idiots

They ca)led me wife and left messages. I called the police and said it is an IRS scam and a local man paid 1k dollars that he will never see again. How about getting a job no matter what it is and stop being a parasite. Being human is far better.

Same message

Automated message giving phone number saying call to discuss case before they take legal action. Repeated over and over. Computerized voice.

Same thing

i just got the same thing tax scam

Automated voicemail, the first part of which was cutoff, stating that something expires within 24 hours and that I will be taken into custody by the cops for 4 serious allegations charged against me.

Tax scam, local cops will arrest in 24 hours.

tax scam that you have not paid your taxes


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