PHONE NUMBER: 4147632762

(414) 763-2762 is a landline number operated by TIME WARNER CABLE INFORMATION SVCS (WISCONSIN) WI located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 1,954 searches and 54 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), SSN (1 time), IRS (1 time), internal revenue service (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

This number had been calling for days and there is no one on the line

I don't want this caller to keep calling and if you do and I don't answer it would be nice if you leave a voicemail

This number called me asking for personal information such as my SSN. They have been harassing me all day calling non stop even when I have threatened to involve the police.

They claimed to be from the United States Health and Human Services Department. They told me I had qualified for a ridiculous sum of grant money. I blocked the number, because I'm not stupid.

They said us gov, but I asked for someone who could speak better English and hung up.

Caller 1 414 763 2762 has been harassing me on the phone. We all wish them good luck, Karma ' s a real b*** when it gets you back not once but double :)

This number has already called me 10 times today and it is only 9:45 in the morning. I am beyond mad right now. This needs to STOP!! I refuse to answer the call and I am at work.

Total scam...caller has a thick foreign accent and said his name was Officer Ryan Smith and said IRS followed by Internal Revenue Service. Hope they can arrest him for impersonating a federal officer. Terrible what they are doing. 2nd message said my lawyer should call him back and said his name was Officer Ryan this time. Mind you I got the calls on July 29th and am finally listening to them 2-3 weeks later. No other messages since then.

Currently at 68 calls from 10am this morning. It's currently 3:30pm at the time of this post. I've tried answering and get instantly hung up on. I've tried calling it back and all I get is a busy signal. They leave a voicemail that lasts for 1 second consisting of nothing but dead air.

This number has called my phone over 100 times this week. When I ask them to stop calling they hang up and. continue to call back

Call over and over when I answer they they hang up call 5 time in one afternoon.

These are some punk b***es. I hope they see this post and burn in hell.

They've called 20x at least in the last 5 hours .Once they were calling and calling again as the first one was still ringing. I couldn't get it blocked .I signed up for the do not call list but have to wait 31 days. Downloaded a blocker app and as soon as it calls it notifies me but hangs up immediately on them .

This number has been calling me non-stop all day today. I answered the third phone call and they said, "Is this Brittany?" I replied with, "Who is asking?" and then they hung up. They called me two more times after that and I blocked the number. The fact that they knew my name is making me feel unsafe and now I want to change my phone number.

Scam.Scam.Scam.Keeps calling say they will send me 14,000 dollars, but they need my day of birth and S.S.#.Scam.Scam.Scam.DON'T FALL FOR IT.

This is a scam called me over 10x's today


Keep receiving calls from this number but no one is on the line when I pick up, putting on the block list, thank you to evweyone for the heads up on this scammer

Called me 16 times today. When answering nobody has anything to say. Very annoying! Calling my phone service provider to block anymore calls.

So far its called me 12 times today and I don't think they are going to stop How the hell do they have my number and my personal info I'm about to report them its freaking me out


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