PHONE NUMBER: 3606676094

(360) 667-6094 is a landline number operated by QWEST CORPORATION located near Vancouver, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,446 searches and 24 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (9 times), IRS (5 times), debt (1 time), fraud (1 time), one ring (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Multiple calls from the same number at different times during the day. Today they called at 11pm. Most of the time the people calling me sound like Filipinos. Always say they are from the FBI or IRS and they are collecting an IRS debt and if I don't call back they'll issue an arrest warrant for me or I'll be sued. I have been getting these calls for almost a year. I only called back once and ripped the guys story apart so quickly he admitted it was a scam before apologizing and hanging up on me. Getting fed up with these hassasing calls. I called the FBI and IRS and reported the calls, all they could do was take the details and say they couldn't do a thing about the calls as they are originating from outside the USA.

360-667-6094_ US Treasure Department SCAM This stupid act is still around. "US Treasure Dept." BS. I hope no one felt for this s**t.

Says I am in trouble with the U.S. Treasury. Foreign sounding voice. I told them to send me a letter, and if they are phonies they can be indighted for mail fraud, a federal offense! They hung up!

British or Australian accent called my house at 11:09 p.m. (WTH?) jackass jerks calling. I tried calling the number back several times phone rings once then is disconnected. Maybe these need be reported to the local authorities!


A recording from "the U.S. Treasury Department" threatening legal proceedings before a magistrate. Stated I MUST phone the number back (and it was the same number as on the caller ID).

claims to be IRS demands money . The exact amount we are currently resolving with IRS ! Think maybe insider sold info?

Indian male, same fake IRS message,threatening legal action, says name is Keith Anderford or something. Called around 2:30 pm

Called at 2 PM and threatened lawsuit if not called back. Was a generalized threat with no specifics showing any knowledge of me personally.

Scam Call Threatening legal action. Recording repeated at least 4 times. Keith Underwood - or perhaps Chief Underwood. Number registers from Battleground WA

Same Indian woman, even says its a scam. Then says, "Why you call me if you know it's a scam" Male leaves voicemail----Keith Underhood or something like that.


Same as above legal proceedings, magistrate, etc.

IRS scam

13606676094 / Battle Groun WA - Same enforcement action scam as other comments

Person from IRS about pending legal proceedings.

Same as above. Scam. Don't answer.

Same as above

harassing message to collect IRS money and threatening grand jury and federal charges

Same thing here...


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