PHONE NUMBER: 2158459018

(215) 845-9018 is a landline number operated by WIDE VOICE located near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 6,497 searches and 26 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: loan (5 times), scam (3 times), recorded message (1 time), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

No sound.

No sound.

Scammer called. Sent results to FBI at their request.

It left no message. I had not answered. Didn't recognize number.

Missed call, did not leave message.

Called did not leave a message.

Missed call. Did not answer.

Didn't answer. They didn't leave a message.

Student Loan Forgiveness scam.

had a missed call w/o a message, called back and got a recording for the 'Customer Communications Platform' listened to the prompt and chose for them to remove me from their data base.

did not answer; left no message; so much for do not call my cell

I did not answer and they did not leave a message.

215-845-9018 received called didn't answer didn't recognize the phone number. No message was left.

I did not answer, they left no message.


Recorded message about a loan extension being denied. I have no extant loan, haven't had one for years.

Wanted my bank info- saying I defaulted on a student loan.?? Last time I looked, my student loan was paid off in 1999!

Someone offering help to pay off student loans which are nonexistent

215-845-9018 called my cell phone a few minutes. I didn't answer since I didn't recognize the number. No message left on voice mail. Another number that will be blocked.

Student loan assistance scam. Block them. I have made a complaint to the FCC, Federal Trading Commision and my local police district.


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