PHONE NUMBER: 2027695271

(202) 769-5271 is a landline number operated by NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,772 searches and 81 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (9 times), scam (7 times), fraud (3 times), internal revenue service (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I don't like to answer numbers I don't recognize, but after he called for the third time I decided to pick up. He told me I had been selected to receive a $9000 grant from the federal government as if I'd ever believe that. I told him I didn't believe him, he laughed and I hung up. This number is definitely a scam and I shall go back to my rule to never answer an unknown number.

Someone left a message in my voice mail stating Daniel Wideman claming to call from the Legal Department of Internal Revenue Service because of a criminal lawsuit with case number PF#### and to call him back as soon I get the message. The voice sounded like a robot or a computer a little bit and a made a threat if I don't contact him the situation would unfold on me. I keep getting phone calls from 1-202-431-4755 two times I answered and a guy with an Indian accent told me he was calling from the federal government from the department of grants. I ended up hanging up because I realized It was more likely a scam. Thank you for posting guys.

I am so happy that all of you posted this information! My fiancé called me very worried and I called the number back to verify and I instantly knew it was not the IRS and I cursed out the so called "Head of the IRS" and told him that he would get reported. When I googled the number, I was so happy to see that there was information on the number. Additional Thanks to everyone who posted other numbers to watch out for as well.

Getting stupid calls like this for a long time. First of all the irs will contact you buy mail. second these calls i'm getting now are made by a computer voice. Sounds like my commodor 64. And the all the other ones have a broken up voice.

Omg I've been receiving calls from this number. Thank God I google it to find out it's a scam

Detective Wiseman stated it was a IRS investigation. If I didn't call he said a warrant would be issued.

agents Wiseman & Cavin called about IRS audit from 2010-15 asking for a ridiculous amount of money. Said sent ceritied letter w/sigs. Threatened lawsuit/warrant if not resolved. None of ot was true and have concerns this is not over.

Just received call from the same 202 769 5271. At first i was scared not knowing if this was a sham or not but once the guy started talking I told him i will take the information you are giving me but i don't understand the reason for this call and he kept trying to say i defrauded the IRS and i owe 5250 I told him you are lying and i'm going to send this number to the proper authorities he hung up. He was trying to get info to verify. Be careful.

got a voice message said he was with the Irs and his name was Daniel wideman and he had a pending criminal case against me and said I needed to call him back as soon as possible I called back but just keep ringing

Someone pretending to be the IRS! I am tired of this crap, I get an average of 15-19 calls a day from is ridiculous and sad that these people make a living defrauding innocent people of their time & money! I am going to sue them!

I got same call and Google it obviously it's a scam. But the real question is why isn't someone doing something about it ? How many people are going to fall victim or this crime before they put a stop to it ? Ridiculous !!!!

First thing I did was Google this number just to found out its fraud

Just got the same call as well Call came from Washington DC but we seem to all have the same case number

Same thing referencing a lawsuit number and everything, but when I call back its busy

I just got a call from some guy from India talking about a IRS lawsuit. His ears should still be ringing after what I told him.

same call! SCAM!!!!!

Got a phone call from this number 202 769 5271 and they told me it was the IRS and that if I didn't call them back or my attorney didn't I would see them in court and be arrested. I assume this is a scam be aware.

this bogus number called my husband claiming there was a law suit against him. DO NOT respond to this caller. If there is a legitimate law suit against you, you will be notified by mail or served in person. God help these people, they are wrong for what they are doing to innocent people.

Scared the hell out of me recording of a mans voice he was from the government saying I had criminal charges against me and I need a lawyer also if I did not respond good luck we can't help you . These people need to be stopped . After reading the posts I know it's bull crap !

Same as above. Bunch a BS from some over seas dumbasses. Same case number and all...


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