PHONE NUMBER: 2024558888

(202) 455-8888 is a landline number operated by DSLNET COMMUNICATIONS VA located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 10,213 searches and 59 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), accident (1 time), internet (1 time), spam (1 time), debt (1 time), microsoft (1 time), support (1 time), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

think this is from google with a verification code when accessing your gmail from a different device

Called me in the UK. Dropped the call

Called NY cell at 645 am, pushed to VM No message.

I just recently got called by a (202) 455-8888 number, that asked for a verification code, someone through messaging gave me the code and I put it in by accident, is their any way I can undo this process?

Sou do Brasil Me ligaram hoje deste número +12024558888 enviando um codigo de verificação, não entendi nada mas fiquei com medo de roubarem meus dados

saw on caller id.

Telling me my phone and internet will be turned off within 24 hours. I then can push numbers to stop this from happening

Spam for debt company. It was a bot: if you have more than 6000 in debt..

I wanted to activate my google 2FA and I knew that some hackers have hacked my phone and accounts, 2FA needs a verification code and I asked for that by text and call, This number texted me and called me to give me the code which is obviously a way that hackers can have access to your phone and accounts. Because they already got my new password by Keylogging feature. Do not trust this number at all.

today i received call from unkown number 12024558888.The robotic voice gave me 6 digits code without any special message

Left looping voice mail on my home phone, giving me a 5 digit code with no other information. Called twice within 3 minutes. Same robo voice.

Always calling but I did not answer

Some spanish (I belive) speaking caller but I just hang up. Living i Norway I am quite sure tihis is someone who want me the best. I put it into the dame group of phone number as Microsoft technical support that use to call me. I am a Linux user.....

i got a voicemail from this number back in september, it told me some 6 digit code and then said "goodbye" but it sounded like it was looping when it first started recording

Voice Message giving me a google verification number. Also received a text message from 220-00 giving verification number. I didn’t request any information from Google. Read online this is a scam. Blocked the number.

I get call from this number and women was spoken she tells that Google phone number verification you have to enter 2digit number assigned to you by Google voice to be able to continue using google voice or Google text forwarding service on your phone

I live in The Netherlands and got called from this number. An automated message was left with a code: 176432 Looked like a google answering machine. Of course I did not call the number...


Block this number from your phone!

Fake google scam


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