PHONE NUMBER: 8006663120

800-666-3120 is a toll-free number that isn't located in any specific city or region.

You can dial this number without incurring any charges.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,748 searches and 31 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 8 Users marked it as Dangerous, and 3 Users marked it as Harassing

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: accident (3 times), scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Man called who actually sounded like a friend. Said he was in Dominica for a wedding and had a minor car accident. Police wouldn't let him go without payment and he need help. Sounded like a scam, so I asked my "friend" what his wife's name is. The scammer hung up.

Young man said "Hi, Grandma." I asked him "What's our secret word?" He hung up. I have a friend who actually fell for this. She is intelligent and felt so foolish when it hit her.

Dangerous new twist on this caller: Man called my home number saying "Hi grandma!" I asked him who he thought he was calling and he answered with my actual name, so I asked who he was as I have no children and therefore no grandchildren. He replied that he was with the adoption agency, that the paperwork had gone through and that I needed to come pick up my new grandchild. I informed him that this was impossible and he said that someone had signed up with my credentials and information and that I had to come pick up this child now. I asked him to hold for a moment and he hung up.

This is the second time this person calls saying hi grandmother this is your grandson Jose I don't have any grandkids with that name so I immediately hang up on this malicious person.

Called hi grandma after I asked who it was they hung up

Just called my dad saying it was his oldest grandson. Dad has no grandsons. He's on to it at 84, so asked "oh, which one" and the caller hung up. Shameful to try and take advantage of the elderly!

This number called my parents and said it was my son (their grandson). Caller told my dad that my son was in an accident in Mexico and the car he was in had "weed" in it and he needed $1100 bail money. Also told my dad he had a broken nose and he needed to send him the money. Well my dad was smart enough to ask the caller a question only my son could answer and the caller then hung up on him.

Caller said "hello grandpa how are you. This is Shawn." I asked him who he was trying to reach. He said, " You. This is Shawn." I told him he had the wrong number. He said , " No this is the _____ residence right." Again I told him he had wrong number. Hung up.

Someone saying he was my oldest grandchild,calling from the Rom. Rep., was in an accident and needed money. Not my oldest grandchild. Hung up on him.

Vulgar, crude & threatening.

I was called from this number. The caller said "hello Grandpa, what are you up to. I asked who it was and who he was trying to reach. He cursed me and hung up. Tried to call back but message said circuits were busy.


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