PHONE NUMBER: 7853926087

(785) 392-6087 is a landline number operated by SOUTHWESTERN BELL located near Topeka, Kansas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,473 searches and 28 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (7 times), scam (3 times), internal revenue service (1 time), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Returned the 785-392-6087 call from IRS. By the time I took a breath from cussing them out as being a bunch of [***] they had hung up, They must be friends of Hillary C, They a liars also...............

Just got a call from them said the same thing. They are using the Peerless Network VOIP since the caller id on one of my phones showed up with that name. On the other phone the number that called showed 646-568-1992

The following message was left on my answering machine on 8/25/16 2:13pm PST. The voice is that of a male. These are the exact words: "From US Treasury Department, we have been trying to reach you. This call is an official final notice from the Internal Revenue Services. The reason for this call is that we have fined a lawsuit against you. For more information, call immediately our department number 785-392-6087, I repeat 785-392-6087" . This is not coming from the US Treasury department or the IRS. They don't operate this way. Do not call that number.

The irs will never contact you by phone the only use the us mail then you have 30 days to deny the claim in writing

Claims to be IRS. scam. Cannot the powers to be go after them as they claim to be a government agency. Is this not fraud ?

Claiming to be IRS

IRS Scam - left message about a lawsuit from IRS.

IRS Scam - left a message about a lawsuit from the IRS last attempt to contact me. Let's hope so.

This is the 5th call stating I am being sued by some branch of the IRS or the Treasury Dept. etc. and so on for none TAX payments (YAWN). Really gets boring at times....!!!


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