PHONE NUMBER: 5802336186

(580) 233-6186 is a landline number operated by SOUTHWESTERN BELL located near Lawton, Oklahoma.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,246 searches and 55 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), microsoft (2 times), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

The phone number (580)233-6186 is a scammers phone number. Dont bother trying to call it back, you will only get a disconnected or changed phone number recording.

It seems to me that with all the technology the FBI has at catching thieves and scammers, they would be able to lock onto this kind of phone scams.

I received a call but was unable to answer it. When I called back I got a recording that the number was disconnected .

Oh, and for those who are making a contest of how long you can keep them on the phone... I just checked my call log and it shows 26 minutes. No wonder he was irritated LOL.

"Ben" called, said he was a "computer technician" and got hung up on. Stick to computers Ben!

Computer Ransom Scam, Hang Up

Was a call center. Guy said, "Helloooo. Hellooooo, can you hear me?" Was not Indian, but American. He hung up. I've now blocked the number.

If they call me again, and I have the time, I'll try to keep them on the line forever......then end it with a disconnect in mid sentence. I like messing with them

Continually get scam calls from Oklahoma about my computer having viruses. I block one number and they call from another.

They called my sister and she handed me the phone to speak with them. I asked them simple questions like how did they know that my computer had any problems and didn't give me a straight answer. Played along for a bit but continued to ask them basic questions that they couldn't answer until they gave up and hung up.

Just got a phone call from this number. I almost fraud by him because my computer is having some issue. But later I realized it was a stupid scam. Be careful folks.

Got a call from this number, didn't answer... But i think the next time i do , im going to tell them i am employed with Microsoft. And i want his badge number... That ought to freak them

Got a call from this number and found it to be shady since I registered my phone number on the Opt out calling list. I told the rep that I will talk to my brother who works in computer security to see if this is legit. Then the rep hung up on me.

Same as above - they should be ashamed!!!

Idiot scammer. I kept him on the line for half an hour, wasting his time. Persistent little ass clown.

I just received a call from an Indian woman stating she is getting error messages from my computer. I told her it was odd because I don't own a computer or anything with windows so please delete my number. She hung up. (Oh am I writing this message? LOL)

Called and told them to delete my number and they git mad and told them I will get my lawyer if they keep calling and the got real mad and started to cuss me out so I ended the call

Another Microsoft scam from 580-233-6186. Man with strong Indian accent.

These idiots tried to tell me they had notified me about my pc being virus infected. I hung up. The Indian accent, the strange area code and the lack of any legitimate company info immediately makes me suspicious.

iPhone identified the call as coming from Venezuela. I let it roll to voice mail but no message was left. Have blocked the number.


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