PHONE NUMBER: 3600368544

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 6,150 searches and 26 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 9 Users marked it as Dangerous, 6 Users marked it as Harassing, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), IRS (1 time), bank (1 time), bank account (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Apparently I won 9300 from the gov in the form of a grant. Very thick Indian accent! SCAM!

Indian man. First claimed to be the IRS, then went on ask if I was having a good Valentine's Day and asked if I had a Boyfriend. He then said he wanted to f@ck me. Said it several times. I told him I was going to report his number, but he wouldn't hang up, so I did.

This number has been sent to me on my I Phone 3 times, your number has been sent to the Indiana Attorney Office in Indianapolis IN, Please don't call my number again.

COuldn't hear well, SCAM for grant

Block them!

keeps calling and cannot call it back- blocked the #

This number called today. When I answered the woman on the other end acted like she couldn't hear me and hung up. Dialed back unreachable number. In the block list now.

Called looking for a household member. Accent sounds East Indian.

I told them to stop calling this number and in broken English said I love Jamie and who the hell are you.

A scam. Called saying the were from the Federal Government and I had just been selected for a free $9000 grant. How did I Want my money ---- bank account info or western union.

Some body saying I got a grant from the government, it's a scam do not pic up

Wife answered and when he was told he had a wrong number and stop calling he told my wife to go "F" herself.

I missed a call from them. They called again and I tried talking to them but they hung up. It shows the caller ID as unknown.


360-036-8544 I have the truecaller app, so the call is blocked, but they keep calling me...good sign of a scam phone call.

Call over and over no message left. When answers all I get is a loud beep.


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