PHONE NUMBER: 2131415163

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,323 searches and 44 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 14 Users marked it as Harassing, 5 Users marked it as Dangerous, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (15 times), scam (10 times), fraud (3 times), credit card (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Left message they were from IRS with final notice

Ooooohh, I'm scared! The IRS is going to sue me! I'd better call them back and give them my credit card number so I won't be in trouble! NOT!!! Give it up, 'ya stupid scammers. I hope nobody is naive enough to fall for this.

I got a call from this number 213-141-5163 automated voice stating it was the IRS... whatever bunch of scammers! wish they would catch these people and lock them away for stealing innocent peoples money!

Got a missed call from 213-141-5163, and they left the IRS message.Scammers!

I just got a call from bozo's.I dont know who's that but he sounded like record. This is a scam.

I keep getting this recorded scam call from the IRS over and over again.

I have received several calls from these fraudsters. Its very annoying really!

This number called and said they were the internal revenue. service calling about a problem.

Got this call two days ago and today. Its the IRS scam. I started to call them back and scream at them. Now i blocked this #.

Claim to be irs

Deep male voice threatening law suit against me. Funny that it was a female voice months ago with similar threats. Regards to all callers with IRS threats.-.-

The IRS has filed a lawsuit against me. I get this call every few days.

Received pre-recorded IRS scam message in voicemail instructing me to call (347) 418-0574 regarding a "lawsuit filed against YOU (no name inserted) by the IRS". Number blocked.

Robo call pretending to be with the IRS.

Just got a recorded phone call from 213-141-5163 ( male voice/name unavailable) pretending to be the IRS and telling me that I am being sued and asking me to call a number I did not write down. This is obviously a scam. The IRS does not call people.

Caller left message threatening arrest/prosecution by IRS. The phone number left to return call is completely different from the 213-141-5163.

I received the same phone call from IRS staring they were filing a lawsuit against me.

Same IRS scam as others have noted. Left message with call-back number of 510-201-0058. It would be nice to forward these somewhere instead of just logging online with IRS and get the lines taken down quickly.

IRS fraud - do not give them any information.

If ANYONE calls and says they're from the IRS it is FRAUD. The IRS deals with delinquent taxpayers by US Mail only. When the letters come certified, you have something to be concerned about. They NEVER EVER call. Report the number to the IRS. See their website for details on how to report threatening phone call scams.


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