PHONE NUMBER: 2132893862

(213) 289-3862 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF CALIFORNIA located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,374 searches and 40 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (7 times), scam (6 times), fraud (4 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Big Scam. I have been calling them every morning for the last two weeks. After they tell me i will be arrested at that point i tell them to F--k off. I have never been hang up on so quickly. The last couple of time i have called and given them my case file they hang up. I guess there are on to me.

I have been getting these calls non stop the past 4 days. I have all the messages saved as well. These people are terrible!

Receive 2-3 calls a day! From this number, unknown caller and more using the same case number as every one else is reporting. Automated voice, no information as to the reason for the case, etc. If there was a criminal case against me, just like the IRS, I would know and be notified by mail first. These people are truly bothering me. I have reported them twice.

They have been calling daily, leaving the same message...Officer Sara Williams, IRS, blah, blah, blah. I finally called them back, because I'm tired of the calls. Asked them to kindly remove me from their calling list. The foreigner responded "would you kindly show me your p*ssy so I can f*ck you".

My husband called them back, and said that if they didn't stop calling our number, he would find them, and rip their throats out! The caller hung up. My husband repeatedly kept calling back cussing them out. Wow, I didn't know that the IRS agents cuss you out as well! Yeah, this is nothing but a scam.

This number left a voice mail demanding that I or my legal representation contact them or bad things will happen.

This is a scam call that states they are the IRS and that you need to obtain a lawyer for tax fraud. Just hang up!!

This is a scam without a doubt. Shut these people down or get rid of their number. I'm tired of them calling me.

posing to be the IRS- leave a voice mail to have your attorney to call regarding defrauding your government taxes. they ask questions-the rep gave me a name of Mike Jefferson id# 1872IRM1882 I advised I spoke with the IRS & they said they never call-that letters are sent from the IRS. just got off the phone with the IRS Ms. Bruce she did some checking on my irs account-no fraud gave the (TIGTA_which is the IRS police) for this @ 1-800-366-4484 & reported to the phishing & scam department. Ms. bruce was a great assistance. thank you

Got the 'retained attorney' BS....100% SCAM. Blocked them pronto...

213 289 3862 a crimminal law sue in california have no been in many years. trying to steal personal information stop calling.


They say my "retained attorney" should call back.

Received the same voicemail message from the "IRS" as others have several times. I just blocked the number

Got the same recording and i called back and with all kinds of background noises and the female person asked for my first and last names which i replied you called me im not giving my name and was hung up on..

The same number called me today with the same message other have posted. I've heard before that the IRS will never call you. They handle their business in writing! So yes...this is definitely something fraudulent!!!

These people harassed my 83 year old mother threatening her saying she would be arrested in 30 mins. They have caller I'd and from there get you to give them info. She told them she was 83 years old and they preyed on her. Unbelievable!!! I don't know why they can't be shut down.

These people are dangerous and threatening. They call several times a week and no one is stopping them. They are financial predators.

Received the same exact message twice this week. Haven't bothered to call back because it's such an obviously fraudulent call. First time getting a robo fraud call though. Technology for the win.

Receiving several recorded calls from this number also


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