PHONE NUMBER: 2132322846

(213) 232-2846 is a landline number operated by MATRIX TELECOM located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 942 searches and 37 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), survey (3 times), energy (1 time), one ring (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Scam call -- always from "Lisa" for different companies on different phone numbers. Today it was the "green" survey with the "free" cruise. Technically it may be a survey but I still reported it to with details. Blocked, but Lisa will be calling from another # soon...

I also just got a call. I didn't answer, they didn't leave av/m and I'll be blocking.

just got a call from this number too. blocking now.

Did not answer. No message. Blocked number.

Just returned from an appointment, here in California, and saw a cid (caller id) of "Los Angeles" and this number. No message... Almost undoubtedly some type of scam. After all, honest people don't mind being identified... actually they're usually proud of it. :)

11:50 am no msg left

Unknown caller on my cell phone. No message. Blocked.

Called my cell, no message left. Blocking

Usual robo scum

Green survey. Your green scammer. Blocked

Another moronic telemarketer. Yippee.

Called. No message left. Blocked.

Called my cell. No message. Blocked. Thank you so much to those of you who confirm what I did was right!

Caller ID: Los Angeles CA Claims that you'll win a free vacation cruise for taking a 'green' survey. After agreeing to take the 'short 3-question' survey on green energy the questions centered around solar panels, solar panels to power electric cars, and if solar power should replace fossil fuel. To all 3 questions, I answered 'NO', then was congratulated for winning. The next phase of the scam was to get your permission for the cruise line to contact you. Again, I answered 'NO'. The nice computer then thanked me and promptly disconnected. Wouldn't it actually be nice if they didn't call again, but something tells me these folks are sinister and will make my phone ring again in the near future.

no message left

No message, number unknown to me. They hung up before my message played. I blocked them.

Same ol 'scam, différent day. Blocked the a $$ holes- again. Actually I went the whole day yesterday without one scam call. Miracles never ceasefire. The call blocker is taking it's toll on hun black little hearts ... :)


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