PHONE NUMBER: 2027345871

(202) 734-5871 is a landline number operated by MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,481 searches and 36 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (11 times), scam (3 times), fraud (3 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same as all the other callers. Just want to report them.

Same as many callers listed above. I didn't answer, and there was a partial voicemail. A computer generated voice says I have a federal lawsuit against me from the IRS. Started to list a case number and my voicemail cut him off. I just had to laugh because I know that the IRS doesn't call with this type of message, they send you a certified snail mail.

Got call from the same person at 7:15 am. He left a message, but it sounded like a recorded computerize phone. Called back, but the caller's line was busy. Definitely a SCAM.

Scary Robot Voice: Officer Daniel Wiseman called Id himself as an employee of IRS legal department. Stated I needed to call him about IRS curing me. Gave me a case number CF93271. FRAUD!! GET A LIFE LOSERS!

got the same call and message 4 times I have not or am not going to call back. the same case number as well.

Basically same message as the others. I e-mailed the information to the IRS,

Daniel just called me with the same case number you all have. Only it was a computer voice.

I just received a call from this number. Saying the same. I told him this was fraud and I will report them to the police. The guy laughed and said oh you think you are smart. The police will be there with your warrant. I laughed and said okay have a nice one. Same officer Dan

Received call that started playing back a voice recording stating the person is from the IRS. Given that it was a voice recording, and I've heard of these scams, I simply hung up and added the phone number to my reject list.

Contacted by Daniel Wiseman from the IRS legal department. Said there has been a lawsuit filed against me and gave me a case number and a phone number stating that I or my attorney needed to call back immediately.

Foreign female with language problems saying she was from the IRS. I told her was not and hung up. Believe she is targeting older people.

Got a Call from John Williams, badge ID GS9615. Told me I was being sued by the IRS and if I or my attorney didn't return his call the moment I heard the message then all he could do is wish me well as the court case unfolded on me . He also gave me the case file number CF92371 . I spoke to John Williams, David Jackson and Paul Williams. when i realized it was a SCAM they got VIOLENT and used language that i have never heard. they told me to put my privates in my behind and cursed my for 4 minutes. they told me if i call back they would come find me and kill me.

Told me I was being sued by the IRS and if I or my attorney didn't return his call the moment I heard the message then all he could do is wish me well as the court case unfolded on me . He also gave me the case file number CF92371 .

Officer Daniel Wiseman called Id himself as an employee of IRS legal department. Stated I needed to call him about IRS curing me. Gave me a case number CF93271.

Man stated he was from the IRS and that litigation would be taken against me for fraud charges on my taxes if I did not or my lawyer did not contact him. Needless to say that I have my taxes done by a certified tax perparer. Also know the IRS will contact you by snail mail not call you on the phone, unless you have called them first.

Said he was from the IRS and stated that I had a balance owed to the IRS from tax years 2010-2015. He stated he could keep a warrant from being issued if I sent him $5,400.


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