PHONE NUMBER: 2024594681

(202) 459-4681 is a landline number operated by XO D.C. located near Washington, District of Columbia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,847 searches and 28 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), IRS (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

If you get a call from this number refer it over to your local sheriff's department so that they can register a complaint from you from the law enforcement agency. Then tell them that you would like them to refer it over to the FBI because these are foreigners trying to get money from Americans. This Is A Dangerous situation in America where they're trying to do old people young people and all people into giving the foreigners money when in fact they are not who they say they are. First of all they say that they are a law enforcement officer which is a felony in the state of Georgia if you are not who you say you are in law enforcement. Therefore that's why you need to contact your local sheriff's department and make a report on this particular item. Many of the individuals that make comments in this section has said that they were terrified so therefore they have been harmed and there should be a attorney general responsible for looking into this case and some manner or fashion.

202 459 4681 Daniel Wiseman he said there's a lawsuit pending against me for me to get a hold of him right away I called him back got a voicemail I'm waiting for him to call me back so I can try to figure out what he's up to I know it's a big scam but I'm just going to mess with them

They did not say who they were but funny same case number (CF93271). I'm pretty scared told me or my lawyer to call or else doom and gloom will come. God I'm petrified well not really! 😆

Just got a call from our good buddy Officer Daniel Wildman from the IRS. HAHAHAHA! I have a criminal lawsuit against me number CF939271.

Same as about. Criminal lawsuit against me and needed to call back or have my attorney call. What a joke

had the same call. Could NOT understand the first person so she put a man on the phone wasn't any better. He hung up on me. I guess he got tired of this country girl.

I had the exact same experience moments ago!! Same as above name

It was a recording stating I have a criminal lawsuit against me number CF939271 and they need to hear from me or my attorney. If not they wish me good luck. My phone was saying it's a IRS Scam.


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