PHONE NUMBER: 9789716861

(978) 971-6861 is a landline number operated by CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - MA located near Lowell, Massachusetts.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 903 searches and 10 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), IRS (4 times), CRA (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

It's scam. Wanted $11,780, settled on $400 if I could go straight to a CVS. Old I had to leave work now or be arrested in 45 minutes. I could imagine an elderly person falling for this.

Claimed to be CRA - same thing. I had to call or be sued.

IRS scam.

IRS Scam with a recording saying I would be sued and to call them back.

calling saying they are the its massive pissofs

IRS scam, called 5 times since 7am today. I reported it to the The IRS will not call you with this kind of stuff, they will only mail to your address that you have listed on your tax returns. I blocked the number and I am still receiving voicemails.

IRS scam. do not return call.

Received 5 calls on my voice mail today stating that the IRS has a lawsuit pending against me and I should call this number. Total scam.

Scam caller stating they were the IRS.

It was a recording. Said IRS has been trying to reach me and that if I did not call back I would be sued. 3rd call in 2 days. Pretty sure this isn't how IRS contacts people.


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