PHONE NUMBER: 9785259182

(978) 525-9182 is a landline number operated by VERIZON NEW ENGLAND INC. located near Lowell, Massachusetts.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,893 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: spam (1 time), one ring (1 time), credit card (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Caller ID said Gloucester MA, l didn't pick up. Our outgoing msg starts "We screen our calls..." that's when most hang up, 'tho some, probably robo, leave msgs.

Did not answer no message left. Spam or telemarketer.

Manchester/Magnolia number. Didn't leave a message.

I have no idea who owns this number. No message. 80% of the time my phone rings, it's somebody I don't know or want to talk to, or there is nobody on the line.. Caller ID is worthless. Being on the no-call list is worthless. Robo calls and solicitations have taken over the telephone networks. Spoofing is running rampant. I even get calls with my own name and number on the caller ID. Very difficult to do a look-up unless you pay for it. It's criminal as far as I'm concerned, and the regulators don't give a hoot.

" Hi this is Lisa from Green " .... (hang up)

Phoney Credit Card Services from India - Rachel does not exist. WILL SOLICIT *** OVER PHONE IF YOU PRESS OPTIONS. VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bombardment from 978 525-9182. Sick of it. Phone carriers are turning blind eye to this harassment just to make an extra buck and need to be held accountable for giving out a number to any idiot without requiring proof for legitimate use. It is an INVASION of my privacy.


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