PHONE NUMBER: 9734047974

(973) 404-7974 is a landline number operated by MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC located near Newark, New Jersey.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,605 searches and 20 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (10 times), credit card (1 time), fraud (1 time), recorded message (1 time), insurance (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

(973) 404-7974

They keep calling. Annoying.

Called my work number and while we have business dealings with companies in NJ (I'm in AZ), I was not expecting anyone to call and certainly not from a 404 prefix. I didn't answer and they didn't leave a message.

Scammer.. On the first ring it showed Commonhealth then it changed on the second ring to Robo call. I didn't answer and they didn't leave a message.. Blocked

A woman called wanting a donations for a fake charity. I asked a lot of questions, she got frustrated and hung up. Just another scamming POS.

Tel No: 973-404-7974 Caller ID: Anonymous Probable: SCAM ARTISTs ... Action: Blocked !

They said hi Mrs. _____? I stupidly said yes. Thinking I should get my credit cards updated. New numbers

Donation Scam

Flagged as Scam or Fraud Block this number. Dummy wants someone to answer.

Scammer exchange 404 is managed by MCI METRO ATS, INC. - NJ The number is currently on switch number NBWKNJ17DS1 Another ding dong blocked! HA HA!

Tel No: 973-404-7974 Caller ID: Anonymous Probable: SCAM ARTISTs ...

Call after 7pm, static, no response to answer

These scammers called on a Sunday. Against Telephone Consumer Protection Act Laws. Should be capital punishment.

Nobody responded when I answered, then they hung up. I call back & heard a prerecorded message that I had reached a non working number.

No Message. 9 seconds of silence.

Calls my cell phone several times a day. Caller unknown. Leaves no Message. I have blocked this caller.

Friday night, 7:24pm MST, didn't answer, showed as "Boonton, NJ", no message left.They can leave me a message and I'll call right back. No message left. Number has been blocked.

Something about a free vacation for my family and me.

Called my cell phone. No business has written permission to contact me. It's illegal in my state for solicitation to be placed to a cell phone without written permission from the cell phone holder & no business has that from me. cruise scam

So annoying. Gets a message several times, left. Called back, and there is a number of non-working like everyone else said. Only the number to block, if you see him. Stupidly, I answered this call, because the ID read some 'Commonhealth', and my husband in the middle of irradiation. I wanted to no insurance to Miss questions or important information. Stupid. Of course, no one responded when I received the call. Here is my question. Why do scammers as long as that is what they are calling and then leaving dead air when trying not to wish to receive our information, what they want. In the meantime, thanks for this very helpful site and the great feedback from those, the writing in.


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