PHONE NUMBER: 9722174426

(972) 217-4426 is a landline number operated by SOUTHWESTERN BELL located near Dallas, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,990 searches and 16 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (8 times), IRS (4 times), scam (4 times), bank (1 time), recorded message (1 time), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

got this today on my landline recording machine, same as all of the above posts, thought I would google it and this is where I landed.

"Brianna Scott" with US Treasury left message that a legal petition had been filed against me for tax fraud. Left call back number: 972-784-0909. When I called this number someone with a strong foreign accent named "Andrew" answered and read me an affidavit that said: I had been audited for the past 5 years, 2010-2014. In 2011 and 2012 there was a miscalculation on my tax filing. Form 990, W2, or 1040 needs to be completed. 2011 & 2012 EIC was involved and threatened arrest warrant would be issued. Per IRS, Sect. 101: my bank accts. & income would be seized, drivers license taken for 5 years. Rights for payment plan closed. 3/15/16 Revenue Service Officer came to our old address to review info with me and supposedly left some sort of message when I didn't answer the door.

automated call from Brianna Scott about a tax fraud filed against me and I will be arrested, blocked immediately NY number 646-741-8757

FYI here's the autotranscription of recorded message follows: "Case filed against your name. This is officer Breanna Scott from the Department of United State treasury. This call is official final notice from United State treasury. The nature and purpose of this call is to inform you that we have received a legal petition notice concerning a tax fraud against you. Still before the matter goes to federal claims court house or before you gets arrested. Please call immediately on our hotline division number that is 631-685-0460. Make sure you call us as soon as possible." Note: this is a scam. The IRS/US Dept of Treasury will NOT conduct business over the phone. Their primary contact is via US Mail.

officer breanna scott the robot from US Treasury getting ready to haul me away for tax fraud. Hopes she comes and arrests me I could use a break from work!!!

This is Officer breanna Scott from the Department of United States treasury. This conversational final notice from United States treasury the nature and purpose of this call is to inform you that we have received a legal application notice concerning a tax fraud against you still before the matter go to federal claims court house or before you get arrested. Please call immediately on my hotline division number that is (979) 888-5011. Make sure you call us as soon as possible.

The same as everybody else Brianna scott US department of treasurers I needed to call back or I will be arrested and go to jail

Officer Brianna Scott from Dept of US Treasury, recording stating that a legal petition has been filed against me to call 909-219-4340 before it goes to court or I get arrested.

Same IRS scam. Call them back tell them: "So you have to pretend to be an American to rip Americans off because you can't earn a living in your own country?" I put it on redial and call them back again and again and again, and just stay silent or else ask them why they have to rip Americans off -- can't they earn an honest living in their own countries? I would love it if everyone returned their calls like this and overwhelmed their lines.

called from TEXAS saying it was the treasury dept and message said I owed money and if it wasn't taken care of I would be arrested. scam!

Received a call from 972-217-4426 claiming to be from the IRS. They said they were going to issue a warrant for my arrest if I did not comply with their demands.

Same message: Officer Breanna Scott from Dept of US Treasurey with official notice that a legal petition was filed against me for tax fraud and I must call their hotline...etc.

Even I got call from this number today.. Spam!!

I also got a call from the same person

Officer Breanna Scott from the Dept of US Treasury with official notice that a legal petition was filed against me for tax fraud and that I must call their hotline before the matter goes to court or I get arrested

Yesterday i got a call from this number.Brianna Scott said a fraud case against me,and i needed to call back or will be arrested.scam.


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