PHONE NUMBER: 9546132185

(954) 613-2185 is a landline number operated by AT&T CORP. located near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 293 searches and 5 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

"Merchant Services" calling for the owner of our company. They call all the time and try to weasel our receptionists into getting through to the owner by making it seem like they are our merchant and something is wrong with our account. The girls name was Emily. Don't bother putting them to the owner unless its straight into the abyss of their voicemail box.

Caller asked for Owner. I asked what company they were calling from & what it was regarding. He stated company is SCS & there has been a change to our merchant account. I told him we don't do business with them & to take us off their call list & hung up. Our company has been flooded with these calls lately, very annoying

Received a call from Janelle, who claimed to be with Merchant Services. I told her we do not use Merchant Services. She said that they are above our Merchant Provider and that she needed to speak directly with the owner of the company regarding a change in our account. I told her that I handle all of our merchant accounts and that she could discuss it with me. She said it is a violation of privacy and that she needed to speak directly with the owner. She was very rude and pushy and I ended up hanging up on her. I Googled the number she gave me and it came up as a scam. Watch out, as she was very forceful with their pitch and seemed to have an answer for everything!

Received a call from "Merchant Services" asking for the company owner and saying that we had been cleared for a "better rate" for merchant processing. Knew he wasn't with our current provider and when I tried to screen he kept trying to adjust his pitch to get around me. When I asked he put us on the do not call list he tried to claim he was not pitching or selling anything.

I received a call from this number stating they were from our merchant service provider and that the woman on phone needed to speak with the owner that the account was RED FLAGGED. I asked the name of the company and she wouldn't say but they were above our merchant provider and needed to speak with the owner regarding an important business matter. Told her to send an email if we were her client and we would look into who they were. She said she couldn't send anything via email as we are not a direct client. That me questioning her was irritating her and that she was making a professional call and I was not being professional. When she didn't answer me, I hung up. She called back 3 times. I told her I googled her number and that she was a scam. She said she didnt care what googled said. I told her she was harassing and if she called back again I would call the police. I told her to remove us from the list and do not call us again. Hung up and phone hasnt rung again.


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