PHONE NUMBER: 9293123999

(929) 312-3999 is a landline number operated by OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,447 searches and 19 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (5 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

9293123999 My experience started with a phone call saying that it was the US Treasury .....and it ended with a Hell No !!!! The audacity of those people trying to get my hard earned money with thier lame threats !!!! Not Today Scum Bags !!! #GODISGOOD

Same problem from the same number but this is the second time ive had issues with this scam this month. Sounded like a scam the first time so i called the local sherriffs deparment and they co firmed.

Received a phone call about 10 minutes ago - 11:26 a.m. I was told that there was a lawsuit against "my name". Of course the only person with the information I needed was the fake law official with the same phone number. So I googled the number - 929.312.3999. Of course I saw "scam" everywhere. I then called the number back and an "inspector" picked up the phone (convenient huh) so when I told the "inspector" that I googled the number and that all I read was "BEWARE SCAM!!" - the lovely inspector hung up on me and now I'm my phone number is blocked. BEWARE _ 929.312.3999 - THEIR SCAMMMMMMMERRRRSSSS!!!

Same deal. Its a scam.

A somewhat foreign accent guy called me that he is from legal affairs , actually this is the second time charging me of tax evasion I called IRS and clarfied my standing with them I was cleared according to the IRS staff that their record shows I am a compliant tax payer that means these calls are scam. Why can't these people find a descent source of living than scamming people who are sweating bullets for a living

Received same call two days in a row. Today I played along to get more information and give it to our local office and sheriffs office. Alan Clock, from senior Dept of Legal Affairs, an officer Richard Harris and a Steven McDonald who is apparently the head of the whole department. Thick Indian accent , middle eastern most likely , claimed to read a certified letter ( copy of) that was sent to me, I am being charged with theft by deception, violation of federal taxation and maicious uttering of commercial instrument.

Same thing as all above comments. Indian accent, bad connection and said I was going to jail for tax evasion

I received a call on May 11,2016 from 929-312-3999 about i owe IRS which was not true.iI never had any problems with the IRS it was a male calling my number he told me that Law enforcement was going to serve me papers.this guy was trying to scam me.

Try to say that I owed money on back taxes from 2013. guy was very rude to me over the phone. Then he tried transferring me to another person which sounded exactly like him

929-312-3999 This is a scam. If anyone, including the govenment, is suing you, they must serve you with papers, physically. A phone call from the "Department of Legal Affairs" of ____? from someone with a very thick Indian accent does not suffice.

+1 929-312-3999 number called and said the same thing as the other people comments. Could barely understand him and he said I shouldn't avoid calling because I can get in trouble or something like that!

A fellow claiming to be Mike from the US Treasury department of legal affairs. He said I should call Adam Walker at 929-312-3999. Mike had what sounded to be an Indian accent. He just called back and threatened me with legal consequences.

(929) 312-3999

Some guy who barely spoke english, saying something about legal affairs from some place I couldn't even hear. That is how little English he spoke

Foreigner calling stating that this is a legal matter from US Treasury Dept.....

False IRS, Used 2 names in the same call.

Claimed to be from the treasury department of the IRS and s warrant was out for me for tax evasion

I r s. Bs

Claimed to represent IRS would help me avoid problems


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