PHONE NUMBER: 9292439937

(929) 243-9937 is a landline number operated by CABLEVISION LIGHTPATH located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,041 searches and 6 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), IRS (3 times), atm (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

They keep on calling - I decided to call back and spent about 15 minutes having some fun - asking how I could resolve this - he then told me I needed to go to an ATM and withdraw $9K! I told him that there was a $500 limit, so then he said I needed to go to a store to get some taxpayer id right away - and I said that I couldn't leave my house, he asked me to go in my car immediately to get money - I said the police would jail me because kids would come home to no parent - eventually he hung up! So I called back again! And I did the whole routine again - I think the best approach is not to overtly call these people scammers, but rather treat it as a chance to try out some creative ways to waste their time and have some fun at their expense!

I received a voicemail this morning stating " the nature of this call is to inform you about a lawsuit which has been filed on your name so before we go with legal matter and send this case to the local county courthouse. Kindly call us back on our number which is 929...' I have been getting a series of strange numbers calling me.

Keeps calling stating they are with the IRS. The IRS does not call. Block number

Some guy called threatened to put me in jail said he was with the IRS and I owed $3580 and he would settle for $500 I said really he said yeah I said oh well I don't have that either and if u with the IRS why I gotta tell you all my information when the IRS knows everything. He said he was trying to help me and I said help me by stop trying to scam and get a real job. We got into a shouting match and I guess when he realize I wasn't giving him no month he hung up!! JACKASS I know the IRS sends out correspondence if you owe them.

He threatened to rape me after he found out that I had him pegged as an IRS scammer. I called local PD to report and found out that since March this year they have received thousands of similar reports. Very disturbing!

scam call


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