PHONE NUMBER: 9167442649

(916) 744-2649 is a landline number operated by CITIZENS TELECOM CA. DBA FRONTIER COM OF CA located near Sacramento, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 905 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), survey (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

To stop these calls and others: Contact your Representative in Congress. There is a bill to make these calls illegal. It is called the H.R.4932 ROBOCOP ACT. They need more reps to co-sponsor it so they can bring it to vote. Tell your rep you want them to co-sponsor the bill.

No message left, called my number several times!!

I don't answer numbers that aren't on my list especially those that are out of the area.. No message is left

Caller didn't leave a message on my machine and the caller id said "Out of Area" which usually means telemarketer/scammer.

Just received this. I always google numbers I don't know before I answer anything. Thanks for leaving comments on this one. This is also a weird coincidence. 45 minutes ago I received another scam phone call from a different number. I don't know if there is any connection but if anyone receives this (876) 744-2649, it's a scam.

They just called me and left no message. After reading scaming comments posted, I blocked them...

Robo call about high pressured sales scam

Called cell, no message. Don't answer calls, or call back, any number you don't recognize...too many scammers out there! Blocking numbers doesn't help, they will just call again from a different number.

The Same Ass Joes are calling from all 50 Stated & DC, therefore, there's no end in sight! Law Enforcement is too smart! Take the Initiatively; don't give out Strict Confidentiality Information!

Free cruise to Bahamas scam call. They phish for personal information beware! Do not give them any info!

called the number back, and said that the survey that I called for has ended.


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