PHONE NUMBER: 9143657896

(914) 365-7896 is a landline number operated by CABLEVISION LIGHTPATH located near Yonkers, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 715 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: medical (3 times), scam (3 times), fraud (1 time), credit card (1 time), robocall (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Message started at the end with "press 9" etc. Blocked.

Robo recorded call for medical bracelet. Says they were referred to me by friend, The only friends I have is my dogs and I know they did not refer them. I don't trust humans. CID New Rochelle NY. Calls all the time . Been calling for months.

Medic Alert for seniors

They said "Refer from family member". Obviously it is a fraud.

cid New Rochelle no message, block, thanks!

"Hello Seniors" is how this idiotic recorded call starts. I should have let it go to the "press 1" to speak to a live person, and then cussed them out. Next time, and I'm sure there will be because we get these same annoying calls several times a week - so, next time, I am ready to let loose on someone.

Voicemail was left and cut out but I made out an Offer to opt out of a medical alert system. Sounded sketchy to me.

I do not want this person calling my cell phone either - I also was on the do not call list but it still got through. I did not answer it since I do not know the telephone number and listed "Unknown"

Left voicemail saying "Your personal alert system" male voice sounded like he was speaking into a tin can to give it a sound of urgency and warning. Don't fall for this scam!

I keep getting calls from this number. I do not answer them, but they keep coming. Very disturbing.

Received a call from this number on my cell phone, which is odd. I don't usually give out my number and no message left. There have been telemarketer calls though. One about my credit card bill which was a scam and blocked on my phone. Just get tired of this kind of thing and we are on the do not call list but does no good apparently.

"Hello seniors..." robo call scam

Robocall for medical alert system "free for seniors." (BTW, these are always free but carry a hefty monthly monitoring fee of $60 or more -- we just checked on getting one for my mom.) Called my cell phone so no respect for DNC list.


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