PHONE NUMBER: 8764706202

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,538 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 5 Users marked it as Dangerous, 3 Users marked it as Unknown, and 1 User marked it as Harassing

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Scammer claiming publishers ckearing house win

He said he was David Johnson, from Publishers Clearing house, I'd won 2 million and a new Mercedes! When I said for him to remove my number, repeatedly said f*ck you, and that he was a scammer and he would be making money today. He tried calling my number again while I had him on the phone, then tried getting another person on the line who he said was going to F me up.. I dialed back and he said he was from Readers Digest, and I'd won even more money!

Got a call it was from Jamaica said they were Publishers clearing house and I had won 2 Million dollars I need to send them 1 million and I started laughing at them then they said this is ISIS started cursing me telling me they were going to f@#king kill. Just kept repeating it over and over. It was very . I did report to local police. Date 10/10/16

Number from Jamaica called and said I won 2 million dollars, I said I think you have the wrong number he responded "f*** you" and hung up on me.

Called and when I said no thank you he said "f you" and that he was with ISIS and was going to kill me

8764706202... No idea what this is about - sounded very unprofessional...used 'buddy' in reference to me and hello hello hello... said they were minutes away with some prize. was a message on my phone - my surveillance camera did pick up a guy at my door earlier have his face if need be :)

THE PERSON SAID I WON MILLION DOLLAR & NEW CAR from Publish Clearing house! NEED TO HANG UP & CALL BACK!!! QUESTIONED why I needed to call back and was told for security purposes.

Called twice, back to back, left no message, caller from Jamaica, I don't know anyone there so didn't answer, would assume is a scammer or phisher.

Called at odd hour to a work number, left no message.


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