PHONE NUMBER: 8552040765

855-204-0765 is a toll-free number that isn't located in any specific city or region.

You can dial this number without incurring any charges.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,194 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 5 Users marked it as Dangerous, 5 Users marked it as Harassing, and 2 Users marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (2 times), scam (2 times), CRA (1 time), canada revenue agency (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Female called on May 19th with same message as already stated regarding pending charges of income tax fraud. Another call received on May 27th, with man's voice and same message and giving hot line to call 1-855-204-0765. Who the he'll rents these numbers out to these dirt bags

This number called my parents and left a message Same as above. "There is a legal case against your name" blah, blah, blah.... My folks are in their late 70's and called me and played the message for me. They were a little concerned. Told them to not phone back, delete and forget all about it.

Received a call today from this number. Man with a very heavy accent (Brian Parker) said he was calling from Revenue Canada. Said that I had committed fraud on my taxes and the local police department would be coming to arrest me. I asked for a letter stating what the fraud charges were all about and he said that they were unable to send me a letter. Who do we notify so that these calls can be stopped? And what is the purpose of their call? They didn't ask for any money or personal information, but it is so annoying to have to deal with these low-lifes.

855-204-0765 called a hospital with threats of being arrested for unpaid taxes. They said they were Rev. Canada.

same message as others who received this call

Same. Knew it was a scam and looked up the number. Will also register the number with Canadian Revenue Services.

Called them back they answered cra and I asked for their employee number they hung up! Scam.

I have recived one voicemail message today from the woman with the following subject, I should call immediately number 855-2040 765, if not, I will be responsible for the consequences.She is the one of Canada Revenue Agency representatives.

Same experience as others who commented. Three voicemail messages in the past 5 days. Message in woman's voice stating, "There is a legal case against your name", never states person who the message is directed to, or who is calling. Also states, "Before this case gets registered or you get arrested on the charges, call us back on our hotline - 855-204-0765. Now, if I don't hear from you or your attorney either then you will be the only responsible person to save all the legal consequences. Good bye."

Same message as previous callers but it never states my name, or who it is calling

Same as above, voice message with womans voice kind of mechanical saying there is a legal case against me, however it didn't say who the legal case was against, " Now, if you don't call this number you may be arrested and resposible for all legal fees".

Have received three voice mail messages from this number indicating that there is a legal case against my name and if I don't initiate action...blah, blah, blah


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