PHONE NUMBER: 8448947052

844-894-7052 is a toll-free number that isn't located in any specific city or region.

You can dial this number without incurring any charges.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,190 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 4 Users marked it as Harassing, 4 Users marked it as Dangerous, and 1 User marked it as Unknown

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: CRA (5 times), scam (3 times), canada revenue agency (2 times), microsoft (1 time), fraud (1 time), robocall (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Indian guy named "Patrick" claimed to be with Microsoft telling me I needed to install updates. Very noisy background. I hung up on him... Twice.

Had the call, same number. The person did not know my middle name. Lol always check then double check. Your post above was a help while I talked to him. Ty

Hard to hear recording, but was most transcripted by my phone to email. Called at work: CRA doesn't have my work number. "The tax crime investigation division of the CRA, the Canada revenue agency. The issue at hand is very time sensitive -- the very second you receive this message, either you or your attorney should give us a call -- this is officer Robert Rolling -- our toll free number would be 1 844 -894-7052 -- I repeat it's 1 (844) 894-7052 -- now, don't disregard this message, and return the call. *vague thread - difficult to hear* and have a nice day, goodbye."

This is an obvious scam - exactly the message and identity as detailed in prior experiences by others noted below. CRA will write you before calling and then only will contact personally by phone.

!!!SCAM!!! Indian accented fellow claiming to be Robert Williams, uses an intimidating tone to attempt to extract information for fraud purposes, do not pick up, if you do, HANG UP!. !!!SCAM!!!

I did not answer, let it go to voice mail. Transcribed as follows: (I have a text conversion program) "Hello, this message is from the Tax Crime Investigation Division of the CRA Canada Revenue Agency. The issue at hand is very time sensitive and the very second you receive this message I need you to return the call. This is Officer Robert Williams. Our toll free number would be 1-844-894-7052. Now don't you ignore this message."

CRA - sounds like a scam. No personal identity is offered. Disregarding.

Calls claiming to be the CRA

Several robocalls claiming to be the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) and that either myself or my attorney is supposed to call them back immediately. Never mentions my name (we are 4 taxable adults at this number, so how "professional is that, not to specify WHICH person is to call back, as in WHOSE file "merits" the call). I'm pretty sure any government tax agency would have a human call and specify exactly who they need to speak with. Do not call back.


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