PHONE NUMBER: 8155267036

(815) 526-7036 is a landline number operated by TELEPORT COMMUNICATIONS AMERICA located near Rockford, Illinois.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 915 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: microsoft (4 times), scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

A female called my home from this phone number saying they hoped this was still our correct number. She said she loved me and would like to chat sometime. She did identify herself but the name was garbled. Strange....

Weird sounding man when I didn't speak said Heloooooo and then sighed but didn't hang up and had a hill billy type voice and sounded like a sociopath. Creep. Don't speak to them.

Was told that Microsoft was being blocked from doing updates on my computer that if I would get on my computer that she would walk me through the process. I told her I was busy right now and if she would give me her name and number I would call her back. She said mmmhhhmmm... then hung up. HAHA works everytime!!!

Was told that Microsoft was being blocked from doing updates on my computer that if I would get on my computer that she would walk me through the process. I told her I was busy right now and if she would give me her name and number I would call her back. She said mmmhhhmmm... then hung up. HAHA works everytime!!!

he is telling me i have a virus on my computer and that he is with microsoft. this isnt the only number they call from, ive had over 50 calls from this same scam setup. They get pissed when you call them liars.

Cant believe these asshats just called me at my work number ...... guess where I work???? At Microsoft !!!! trying to tell me they were from Microsoft ... I asked for their user name so I could look them up ..... they hung up pretty quickly :-P

When I didn't want to listen to his scam, he told me I could go put acid on my face!


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