PHONE NUMBER: 8143662465

(814) 366-2465 is a landline number operated by NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS located near Erie, Pennsylvania.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,214 searches and 10 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (6 times), automated message (5 times), fraud (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

IRS Automated Message: "The IRS is filing a lawsuit against me and must call them back immediately...." I was worried at first, took down the number and searched for the origins of the number, luckily it lead me here to this site to find out what this number belongs to. I come to find (through the comments down below) out that this number is routed out to a call center that is staffed by "English is a Second Language" employees (strong accented Asia-Based Indians), therefore making it a SCAM!... If it's not an actual person that leaves a message, but an automated machine leaves it, especially when the message is vague at targeting a particular person with an actual case number and who to get into contact with (they would leave a extension number as well)..... Don't be bothered by it.

Automated message leaving vague details about a case, likely fraud.

They said it was the IRS same as everyone else. SCAM

SCAM and they are middle east people with heavy accents and VERY rude!!!! Dont let them get your address!!

IRS is filing a lawsuit againts me.... SCAM.

Automated message: IRS is filing a lawsuit against me blah blah blah. Figured it was a scam and did not call back. Tempted to. . . just for a laugh.

IRS Scam

They called saying IRS was filing lawsuit & I need to call back. I called back & the man could not even speak proper English. It got on my nerves. He asked to verify details. I asked him "how do I know this is an authentic caller. Sorry, I cannot verify & there shud be a better way to approach"

Automated message saying the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me. I figured it was fraud. I didn't call back.

Automated message saying it's from the IRS. And to call that number back. I did out of curiosity & it was obviously a call center and the man that answered said he was with the irs, which I know to be untrue.


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