PHONE NUMBER: 8137746904

(813) 774-6904 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Tampa, Florida.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,689 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), IRS (2 times), debt (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Very rude lady called while I was at work. Said she needed to speak with me about a personal matter. I asked her three times what she wanted and was telling her I am at work and you need to hurry it up. She just said she was at work, too started in on me so I hung up on her.

(813) 774-6904. Said they were calling regarding a "personal business matter". I'm 20, I don't have any business matters. Stupid scammers trying to get your personal info.

Don't know who they are. Calls often and asks for personal info related to a debt I do not have. Scammer or just dumb collectors.


Numerous calls every single day! I hate it!

!!!! EDIT !!!! the IRS DOES NOT CALL, I missed typed the response , AND don't listened to any other entry here that states that they are legit,,,,, that them trying to scare you

wanted the address of my elderly mother, insisted that that must speak to her, I requested they mail their info to me (providing they actually have anything for her at her address , did not give them the address), several weeks ago some other number tried to pretend being the IRS, advised them that the IRS does call. Please take the time to screw with these people by asking them for the warrant number and the arresting entity, ask for a IRS case number (it will be fake , don't worry) and tell them you contact the IRS directly... Keep a log of the number they call from and for God's sake don't give them any info and any means to extract cash from you... and ask for collect calling number or toll free number Lets run these ***** bills thru the roof!!!!!


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