PHONE NUMBER: 8042120340

(804) 212-0340 is a landline number operated by CORETEL VIRGINIA located near Richmond, Virginia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 763 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: fraud (8 times), IRS (6 times), scam (6 times), automated message (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I received a call from 407-264-7373 telling me to call 804-212-0340, they said there was a notice concerning tax fraud against me and that I could get arrested.

Message said the IRS had received a "legal petition notice for tax fraud" against me and left a phone number to call. I called it and got some dude that barely spoke English. I asked for his supervisor and that the phone call was being recorded. He paused and asked for my name. Told him this was going to the REAL IRS, local authorities and the FBI because this was pure BS and the IRS NEVER calls you, much less, with an automated message to call ANOTHER number. He hung up.

I received a call from 407-264-7373 I did not answer, they left a message to call them immediately in reference to tax fraud and before it goes to federal claims or court or I get arrested. The number it said to call was 804-212-0340. I have the message saved on my phone but did not and will not call.


I called back but I knew it was a scam. An Indian guy named "Jamal White" lol answers. Basically he said I'd be arrested in 24hrs. I told them to.let them come and whole there here I would tell them about you. They hung up immediately.

Called stating we filled a fraudulent claim and they were tracking the phone to be arrested in 45 min. Hung up when we said we were calling the police. I'm sure the IRS is very afraid of my local pd. Total scam

I received the same call yesterday claiming I had an IRS tax fraud notice against me. Of course, I knew it was fraud

Received a call saying there was tax fraud against me......

Received that same call today. I agree this is a scammer trying to scare you into calling them. Telling you there is a legal Patition against you involving an IRS fraud.

Received this phone call, it went to voicemail. It states that it is from the IRS, complete scam.

This is an irs telephone scam. Report it to your local police

Received a voicemail saying that I will be arrested for tax fraud and to call them a.s.a.p. to get the situation figured out. When I heard this, I thought....SCAM. Besides that, I don't believe if I was in tax fraud trouble, I would get a phone call or a tape recorded automated message.


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