PHONE NUMBER: 8042120335

(804) 212-0335 is a landline number operated by CORETEL VIRGINIA located near Richmond, Virginia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,299 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (8 times), scam (2 times), robocall (1 time), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


Same as above. If I don't call or have my attorney call It would be dire consequence.

Woman said that the call was from the investigative branch of the IRS and I pressed the number 2 key and hung up!

Called me about suing me

Threatening call with dire consequences...Same call as above.

Same -- obviously computer generated and a little bizarre -- something about how out of control things would be if i didn't call back...?!!! i mean i know it's a scam and it still sort of was concerning! ha!

Received call, computer generated said it's from IRS.

Claimed to be IRS. They don't do this. Elderly could be fooled by this.

Claims to be IRS. I called it back. "Officer Marshall" from the IRA legal investigation tried telling me that they have been sending me letters in the mail regarding tax fraud/incorrect tax filing but when I asked what address he ready off my old address. I told him that was not my address so he "checked again" and gave me a different address I've never heard of. When I told him that wasn't it either, he hung up on me.

Claims to be IRS. Not sure if it's pathetically sad or just laughable. I hope nobody falls for this crap.

IRS Investigation, asked that my attorney call them, wish me luck as the case "unfolds on me".

Fake IRS scam

Computer generated call IRS investigation. Suffer consequences if I did not return call. I did not return the call.

told me that it was the IRS and that if I didn't call this number back that they would send someone after me


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