PHONE NUMBER: 7867495933

(786) 749-5933 is a landline number operated by US LEC OF FLORIDA located near Miami, Florida.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 360 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (13 times), scam (5 times), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Message claiming I needed to call IRS to avoid legal action.

I keep getting these messages, not always from the same number.

Got a call from this number claiming they were the IRS and that if I don't return this call that I am going to jail. It looks like from this blog that this is a scam.

They say is from irs and are extremely rude!!!!! WHICH IS A LIE

Another threatening Irs call so tired of it!

Call back IRS before I am arrested and incur additional fines and such.

The "IRS" called with very threatening language claiming criminal charges are due to be filed regarding unpaid taxes. Most definitely a scam as I file my taxes early and thoroughly every year.

And a Miami Florida office of the IRS would be phoning a taxpayer from Washington State. Yea right

Got a call from this number with this message: "To return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. The number for you to call the IRS back is 786-749-5933. Now if you don't return the call or if you don't hear it from your criminal attorney either the only thing we can do is wish you good luck as the situation totally unfolds on you. As there is a legal parish and notice filed under your name for tax invasion a tax fraud so before this matter gets executed to the court house and before you get arrested. If you need any information or if you do have any questions kindly call the Iris back at 786-749-5933. Thank you."

The infamous IRS scam. Caller in a busy call center. Heavy Indian accent.

Just got the same call. Didn't answer it but some guy let me a voice mail saying he was from the IRS and I was going to jail. Everytime I call the number back from a blocked number a recording comes on telling me the line is busy.

woman saying I needed a criminal attorney to get me out of trouble with the IRS. The woman was very rude in her talking. I am reporting this to I got this info from the Wednesday, August 24, 2016 The Washington Post. You may call the complaint hotline at 800-366-4484. The heading for this article was "Always report those IRS-impersonation scams. Resistance makes a difference."

caller claimed he worked for the IRS and that I needed a criminal attorney to get out of trouble with the IRS. This is a scam, hang up on the caller, which is what I did after I told him I knew it was a scam.

Claiming to be IRS. They are not. IRS does not call they send letters.


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