PHONE NUMBER: 7863580426

(786) 358-0426 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF FLORIDA located near Miami, Florida.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 888 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (9 times), scam (6 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

If I were going to be sued by the IRS, I might have gotten some information in the mail like a certified letter. Damn scams.

Same as all of the above

I received voice mails from this number that I am being sure from the IRS

Recorded msg claiming to be IRS. Same as above.

Recorded voice claiming to be IRS with a final notice about a lawsuit LMAO

Left message. Same as other reports- IRS scam about being sued.

Same....received a call indicating that the IRS is filing a law suit against me.

Same IRS scam as others are reporting

Just got the same call, they are busy today trying to scam people.

IRS Scam

Same as above. IRS suing me.

Robot voice saying I am being sued by IRS. What a scam!! Do not give them any money or information.

5/20/16: Left message, a recorded voice stating that this is my final notice and that the IRS is coming after me with a lawsuit. Blocked.


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