PHONE NUMBER: 7863104790

(786) 310-4790 is a landline number operated by COMCAST PHONE OF FLORIDA located near Miami, Florida.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,112 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (6 times), fraud (1 time), scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Called 23Aug2016 8:31AM PDT. CID=Unavailable. No Message left.

Have been called from this number several times over the past couple days.

Blocked again.... They keep coming up with new numbers...

The VM was a computer message voice claiming to be the treasury department and that I was in big trouble. I called the number and a male with a "non" American accent claimed he was from the IRS. I told him Id get back to him! Cant the Authorities put a stop to these jerk-wads?

They called my cell phone 5 times in one day!

This is a fraudulent call.


Called and said they were from the IRS and there was a problem with my taxes.

Called and said they were from the IRS and a lawsuit against me. Gave a woman's name in a CPU generated voice. I called just to see how they would answer and the number just continuously rang.

Recorded woman' voice claiming to be from IRS & that I had a tax problem. Called twice today.

They called and said I had incorrect filing in my past taxes bunch a BS I'm so tired of getting these phone calls already

Called and said they were from the IRS and a lawsuit against me. Bunch a crap.

Called and said they were from IRS regarding an incorrect filing on my taxes.

message left said they are calling from the IRS


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